Tuesday 19 November 2019

Beating app like Gojek in its own game

I will be honest here; it’s not going to be easy. The Indonesian startup recently became a unicorn and created quite a buzz at wall-street and global silicon valleys. However, I wouldn’t say beating them will be impossible. There are certain critical elements that you need to check-off before entering the battlefield.

Business agenda
Although infinite revenue is the core agenda of businesses, you have to tweak that towards satisfying market requirements. Because if you meet market demand, profits will pour in from all directions. Let’s check out some of the popular on-demand services the market is witnessing:

  • Car rental
  • Taxi ride
  • Helicopter ride
  • Boat rental
  • Moto rental
  • Packers & Movers
  • Food/grocery delivery
  • Flower delivery
  • Courier delivery
  • Marijuana delivery (no kidding)
Other services
  • Doctor on call
  • Babysitter
  • Dog-walking
  • Professional plumber/electrician
  • Fitness coach
  • Beautician
Important components
The market leader succeeded because they have all the angles covered. So if you want to beat them at their own game, I’d recommend getting the following platforms integrated to your business:
  • iOS app for customers and service professionals
  • Android app for customers and service professionals
  • Web app for customers and service professionals
  • Panel for dispatcher
  • Panel for admin
  • Dashboard for billing admin
  • Panel for store/restaurant
  • Panel for service provider and more
Smart features
An app is as good as its features. The performance and user acceptability go hand in hand with splendid features creatively-crafted as per the market trend. Let’s check out some of the critical ones:
  • Secure login
  • Availability toggle
  • Booking records
  • Service browsing
  • Book now/schedule booking
  • In-app payments
  • In-app chat & call
  • Real-time professional tracking
  • Rate card
  • Ad integration
  • Rate & review and more
Summing-up, not yet!
There is more on how to beat an app like Gojek. The former are some crucial factors that an entrepreneur or startup has to keep in mind. However, a Gojek clone customized with the latest market trends would be the perfect tool to unlock the lucrative market potential.

How to get your hands-on such a platform?
Ubereatslikeapp is a successful organization offering cutting-edge Gojek Clone App Development solutions to entrepreneurs, startups, and organizations across the world. Their services have spearheaded popular apps, and show no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Summing-up, for real this time!
The road may be tough, but not impossible to cross. Equipped with the right app, you can beat the leading player smoothly. Now, why are you still here? Get in touch with Ubereatslikeapp and begin your journey. 

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